Poses in classical ballet.

Poses in classical ballet

In any ballet, plastic, the setting of the arms, legs, and body, as well as the elegantly curved sock and foot, are important. When we observe the fluttering of ballerinas on the stage, we do not even notice that sometimes they stop, freeze in the dance, keeping the balance on only one leg, called the support, the second (working) can be in a different position and this is called posture. Of course, apart from the legs, the location of the arms, head and body changes.

All poses can be divided into two categories: small, in which the working leg is located on the floor; large - in which it is raised and stretched to the side, backward or forward.

Consider more basic ballet poses.:

1. A la seconde - in this position the leg is stretched to the side at the level of 90 degrees, this mark may be higher.

2. Attitude - in it, the supporting leg is located on the entire foot or on the fingers, while the working leg is stretched back 30, 90 or even 120 degrees upwards, while the knee is bent and the body is bent backwards.

3. Croise - this posture is applied both on the floor and in the air, in a jump. The legs are crossed while one overlaps the other. It can be on the surface, be raised to 90 degrees, the knee can also be straight or bent.

4. Efface - in this pose the dancer faces the viewer and stands strictly vertically, with no crossed lines.

5. Ecarte - in this embodiment, the location of all parts of the body. The body itself is at the same time deployed diagonally, the leg is extended to the left or right, and the body is deflected from the raised leg. The hand that corresponds to her is raised above her head, the second is stretched slightly to the side.

6. Epaulement - in this position, the body is turned in the opposite direction to the hall, the head is directed to the shoulder, it, in turn, is slightly forward. This posture is basic and is often used to form other postures and movements.

7. Arabesque - in this position, the working leg is raised backwards, and the knee is pulled out, while the position of the arms is different, stretched in different directions or forward. The type of pose depends on it, there are four of them.

Thanks to this small vocabulary, you will know exactly in what posture the performer on stage staggered for a few seconds to continue spinning again in the dance, to the sounds of timeless classics.

We are pleased to offer ballet dancers to perform numbers and excerpts from classical ballets at your event.

Watch the video: 9 Body Positions of Classical Ballet. Center poses Croisé Effacé Ecarté En face. Ballet Teacher Tips (March 2025).

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