Beautiful classical pieces for guitar

The classical guitar, as they say, can sing on its own, without the help of a musician. And in the right hands, it turns into something special. Guitar music has won the hearts of many lovers with its beauty. And classical pieces for a guitar learn neophytes independently and in musical schools, preferring those or other notes. What compositions form the basis of their repertoire?

Green sleeves - an old English ballad

This theme is considered an old English folk ballad. In fact, the music was invented for playing on a lute, one of the most popular instruments of that time, but today it is often performed on the guitar, since the lute, alas, is how the instrument came out of musical use.

Playing the melody of this play, like many folk songs, is quite simple, so it is often among the most popular works for guitar for beginners.

The history of the melody and lyrics is more than four centuries old. From English, its name translates as "Green Sleeves", and many interesting legends are associated with it. Some musical researchers believe that the song was composed by King Henry VIII himself, dedicating it to his bride Anna. Others - that it was written later - in the time of Elizabeth I, because it affects the influence of the Italian style, which spread after the death of Henry. In any case, since its first publication in 1580 in London to the present day, it remains one of the most "ancient" and beautiful works for guitar.

"The Brook" by M. Giuliani

Beautiful works for the guitar can be found in the Italian composer Mauro Giuliani, who was born at the end of the XVIII century and was, in addition, a teacher and a talented guitarist. Interestingly, Beethoven himself highly appreciated the skill of Giuliani and said that his guitar resembles, in fact, a small orchestra. Mauro was a titled chamber virtuoso at the Italian court and toured in many countries (including Russia). He even created his own guitar school.

Peru composer owns up to 150 guitar items. One of the most famous and executed - "Brook". This most beautiful etude No. 5 of the great master of classical guitar carries you with its fast-moving arpeggios and wide-sounding open chords. It is not by chance that this piece is so fond of both pupils and masters.

"Variations on a Mozart Theme" by F. Sora

This beautiful piece for classical guitar was created by the famous composer Fernando Sora, born in Barcelona in 1778. Sor is considered to be one of the greatest guitar composers and performers of the 19th century. From the early years he had been learning to play this instrument, improving his technique. And later he created his own school of games, very popular in Europe.

Fernando Sor was engaged in concert activities and traveled all over Europe, where he was received with all possible honors. His work has played a huge role in the history of guitar music and its popularization.

He wrote over 60 original works for the guitar. He also liked to shift already known works for his instrument. These variations include “Variations on Mozart”, where the well-known melodies of another great music creator sounded new.

Great variety

Speaking of beautiful works for classical guitar, it is worth mentioning Francisco Tarrega, and the work of Andres Segovia, whose plays are successfully performed by many musicians and their students today. And the last of the aforementioned authors did a lot to popularize the instrument, bringing the guitar from the salons and living rooms to huge concert halls to the delight of fans of this genre.

Watch the video: TOP 10 songs for CLASSICAL guitar you should know! (March 2025).

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