How to choose a guitar novice

If you are a beginner, then, most likely, you have no idea how to choose a suitable guitar, so you need to know some selection criteria. First you need to decide what kind of guitars you need: acoustic or electric guitar? Or maybe classic? How to choose a newbie guitar? It all depends on your financial capabilities and the purpose of the purchase and the purpose of its purchase. Consider each of them.

Classical guitar
used to perform classical music, flamenco and some blues compositions. Such a tool is perfect for studying at a music school.


  • Soft strings that are easy to press. This will facilitate learning in the initial stages, since the fingers will hurt a lot less.
  • A wide arrangement of strings, which reduces the likelihood of a miss, and this very often happens at the beginning of training.


  • You can only play on nylon strings, because installing metal will result in damage to the instrument.
  • Faint sound.

Acoustic guitar used to play blues, rock, chanson, pop songs and just yard songs. Perfect for songs around the campfire and playing in the company.


  • Loud and rich sound. Due to the fact that the body of an acoustic guitar is larger, and metal strings are used instead of nylon, the sound becomes deeper and louder.
  • Versatility. Acoustic guitar can be played in many genres, and variations of models will allow you to choose the instrument that is right for you.


  • Only metal strings can be used. Nylon will sound too quiet due to the particular structure of the hull.
  • Stringer harder to press than on a classical guitar, because of which the fingers at the beginning of training will hurt more and longer.

Electric guitar used to play in styles such as jazz, blues, rock and pop. Mostly on an electric guitar they play in groups.


  • Ability to customize the sound for themselves. You can adjust both the volume of the sound and its timbre using processors and guitar "lotions".
  • Easy to press the strings.


  • High price. Usually, an electric guitar is more expensive than an acoustic or classical guitar, besides, to play it, at least you need a combo amplifier.
  • Attachment to electricity. In order to play the electric guitar, you need a power source. So for the game in nature, it is not suitable. Even if you try to play it in a non-connected state, the sound will be too weak.

Taking into account all the above and choosing which guitar you want to buy, you can safely go to the store. Do not immediately buy an expensive guitar, because very often the interest in music disappears after a few lessons, and the money spent will not be returned. But you should not buy a cheap and low-quality guitar, because playing this instrument will bring more disappointments and can discourage desire, even if there was one. Therefore, you need to choose a guitar so that its price is within reasonable limits, and the quality allows you to play it without any discomfort. Here are some tips on how to choose a quality guitar:

General criteria:

  • The neck should be smooth. There are several ways to check this. First, you can attach the guitar deck to the shoulder and look along the neck along its edge. The neck should be perfectly level. Any irregularities or curvature talk about marriage. Secondly, you can press the string (first or sixth) in the first and sixth fret. The distance between the string and the neck in this segment should be the same, otherwise the neck is considered to be curves.
  • On the body of the guitar should not be damaged.
  • Check the structure of the guitar. To do this, play the string in the open position and compare with the sound of the string, clamped on the twelfth fret. The pitch must be identical. You can also compare the flageolet on the same fret with an open string.
  • Strings should not rattle and make extraneous sounds. Check each string on each fret.
  • Check the head of the neck and spikes. They must be fully functional.

Acoustic guitar and classical guitar:

  • The distance between the strings and the neck should not exceed 3-4 mm.
  • Take a wooden guitar, not plywood.
  • The distance between the wood fibers on the body should be 1-2 mm.

Electric guitar:

  • There should be no rust on the metal parts of the tool.
  • Check the tone controls and the pickup switch.
  • Check the status of the input under the jack. Connect the guitar and play it, the cord should not go away.
  • Check the guitar for background. During the game should not be present

Among other things, just play, listen to how it sounds, whether it is convenient for you to hold it in your hands. Also, to the tips on how to choose a guitar for a beginner, you can add that before you buy your favorite model, try several copies and choose the most suitable instrument. Remember that there is no better adviser in choosing a guitar than you yourself. The seller may not be quite respectable and try to sell you a poor-quality product, and friends will pick up a guitar that they like. You need to choose either yourself or with an experienced teacher who can help you choose your instrument.

Watch the video: Which Acoustic Guitar Should I Buy? for any budget (March 2025).

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