E. Humperdink opera "Hansel and Gretel"

E. Humperdink opera "Hansel and Gretel"

What piece of music would you call the most Christmas? The first thing that comes to mind is the creation of P. I. Tchaikovsky, right? In European countries, the first place is occupied by the German composer Engelbert Humperdink's "Hansel and Gretel".

An interesting choice, especially when you consider that the action takes place in the summer, and the work itself, which can be called a true example of a romantic opera, is performed with a complex and heavy Wagnerian orchestration. But this performance is imbued with a special spirit, it is so childish and beautiful that you immediately succumb to charm. A fabulous story, children's songs, beautiful music and a libretto, written by the composer's sister, Adelheida Vetta, on the tale of the Brothers Grimm - all this gives a special fantasy and charm to such an unusual children's opera.


The plot of the play is full of magic and magic, here are fourteen angels guarding the sleep of the little ones, and an ominous witch, and the mysterious Fairy-Rosa. Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister who live with their parents at the edge of the forest. They accidentally played and forgot to carry out the orders of the mother, which caused her anger. As a result, Gertrude sent the children to the woods to pick strawberries, not knowing that it harbors many dangers. So, according to ancient beliefs, at the top of the mountains inhabited by an evil witch who kidnaps children and turns into gingerbread. Having learned this, the parents immediately went in search of a brother and sister. Meanwhile, Hansel and Gretel get into the house to the witch, who is all filled with small and very beautiful gingerbread figures. Immediately appears the mistress of this decoration - a witch. But thanks to the ingenuity and ingenuity of the children, they manage to deceive the insidious kidnapper and bake in the oven, thereby turning into a large carrot. Suddenly, the evil spell is dispelled, and all bewitched children turn into themselves. By this time, the parents of Hansel and Gretel, who searched for them throughout the forest, and with them the new friends whom the children met on their way, have time to arrive. Everyone happily starts to sing funny songs and praise God, who helped to cope with all difficulties.

The children's opera "Hansel and Gretel" brought world renown to the German composer Engelbert Humberdink. By the way, he gained skill at R. Wagner himself in his famous theater. From these times even the amusing case has been preserved. At one of the rehearsals of "Parsifal" there was a hitch, the scenery did not have time to go down in the time allotted for this in music. After several attempts, Wagner slammed the door in a rage and flew out of the theater. Humperdink, who worked there at that time, decided on a bold and rather impudent act. He added to the score of the great maestro a few bars, composed by himself. Thus, time has increased and the scenery managed to descend. But what about Wagner? He gladly accepted this change and thanked the young composer.

It is worth noting that the premiere of the opera "Hansel and Gretel" was great, the audience highly appreciated the composer's work. Over time, the performance was made more Christmas, shifting the action on the eve of the holiday. But it only strengthened the magic and beauty of the opera. Well? Ready to see and appreciate one of the most magnificent Christmas works right now? Enjoy watching!

Watch the video: Engelbert Humperdinck: Hansel Und Gretel - E. Gruberova, B. Fassbaender, Georg Solti HD 1080p (March 2025).

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