History of music education in Russia: the main stages

Before the onset of the 17th century, there were two fundamentally different trends in music in Russia - Orthodox singing culture and folk art. The history of music education in Russia began, along with the emergence of a new, secular trend.

The origin of music education

Toward the end of the 18th century, a secular tradition of music education began to develop. In the 1830s, vocal aids of Russian musicians appeared in which great attention was paid to the content of music, which was fundamentally different from the predominantly Italian school of superficial virtuosity. The great composer M.I. is rightfully considered the founder of the Russian vocal school. Glinka.

At the beginning of the 19th century, piano pedagogy was born. Amateur piano playing was cultivated in noble families and social salons, which paved the way for professional performance and pedagogy. At the same time, the tradition of teaching playing a musical instrument in non-music educational institutions emerged. For example, "clavicord classes" were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, Smolny Institute.

Brothers Rubinstein - the creators of educational institutions

The history of music education in Russia is inextricably linked with the names of the Rubinstein brothers - the largest musicians and public figures of their time. On the initiative of Anton Rubinstein in 1859, the Russian Musical Society was established in St. Petersburg, the main purpose of which was musical enlightenment.

The next step in 1860 was the discovery of publicly accessible music classes in St. Petersburg (again, initiated by A. Rubinstein). The main purpose of creating classes was to attract music lovers to vocational education. Despite the free training here, Rubinstein managed to gather a powerful teaching staff, which later formed the teaching staff of the first conservatory, which opened in 1862 in St. Petersburg. Classes at the conservatory were conducted on the theory of music and composition, playing the piano and orchestral instruments, vocals.

Nikolai Rubinstein followed the example of his elder brother only in Moscow. On his initiative, the Moscow branch of the RMO opened, and then the Musical classes, which also formed the foundation of the Moscow Conservatory, which opened in 1866. One of the first professors of the conservatory was the brilliant composer P.I. Chaikovsky.

In the conservatory accepted adolescents with basic musical training. Here, besides musical disciplines, they received general humanitarian knowledge. The course of study was designed for 9 years: 5 years of the junior department and 4 - the senior (highest). Between them it was necessary to pass the transition exam, and at the end of the course - graduation, with the successful completion of which graduates received the title of "free artist".

The history of music education in Russia in the Soviet period

Along with the first conservatories, at the end of the XIX century there were other musical educational institutions - schools and colleges, created through the RMO. Private music schools also opened. The geography of music education expanded - educational institutions were not only in the capitals, but also in Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov, Tver and other major cities.

The revolution of 1917 deeply affected all spheres of public life, without exception, and music education as well. By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the Petrograd and Moscow Conservatories were exempted from the subordination of the RMI and were declared humanitarian universities. RMS in principle ceased to exist, as well as the Court Singing Chapel and private music schools. With the destruction of the high estates, the tradition of playing music in the family circle and compulsory education of the younger generation was lost more widely. Many prominent musicians left the country.

The most important factor in the preservation of musical culture was the continuation of the activities of the Moscow and Petrograd conservatories, in unbearable conditions, supporting a high level of education.

Long searches and experiments eventually led to the reorganization of the structure of music education in Russia. The first stage was formed by children's music schools (since 1933 - seven-year-olds), the second - by colleges, and the third, the highest - by conservatories. There were also 10-year schools combining 1 and 2 stages. Another positive aspect of the Soviet period was that the authorities gave a real opportunity to teach gifted children.

Modern music education

By the mid-twentieth century in the Soviet Union formed a system of music education, and to this day has not lost relevance. The first and generally accessible stage of the system are music schools (seven and five years old). Each child can enter a music school after successfully passing the preliminary tests - read more about this in the post “How to enter a music school”.

Vocational education involves a consistent study at a music school, then a university. Regarding the admission to the secondary music schools, read - "How to enroll in a music school?". The diploma of graduation from a Russian musical university is valued all over the world, it testifies to a decent performing level, musical and general humanitarian training of a musician.

Watch the video: The Russian Revolution 1917 (March 2025).

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