Musical education of children

Musical education of children

It is no secret that every parents are trying to fully develop their baby. Many people pay much attention to this from the cradle (Doman’s cards, Nikitin’s method). A big role in this case is to be given precisely to music education. This does not mean that every kid should eventually become at least an outstanding pianist, not at all. But every child, as well as his parents, must touch the wonderful world of music.

The benefits of development through the perception of music.

Since ancient times, musical education has been given great importance. Thus, in ancient India, it was believed that thanks to this type of art a person can achieve piety and well-being. In the countries of the Ancient East they believed that music develops such qualities as sincerity, humanity and justice.

The famous Hungarian composer Zoltan Kodai, who founded his training system, said that the education of a person would not be complete without musical training.

Due to the fact that the child perceives the world of music, his creative abilities develop, a common spiritual culture and emotional development are formed. Art has a beneficial effect on memory and intelligence. Nothing awakens feelings and fantasy like the world of music. At the same time, it is the listening of classical music that plays a big role, thanks to which the thought process, memory and emotional hearing are activated.

Surely many have heard about the benefits of classical music, the effect of Mozart and the experiments that scientists conducted with the participation of water crystals. It was under the influence of the famous works of the great classics: Beethoven, Haydn, Chopin and Mozart, the structure of the water changed and the crystals acquired a surprisingly beautiful, harmonious form, which cannot be said about other directions.

When should I start my studies?

Did you know that, according to experts, to begin to listen music is useful even before the birth of the child, so the fetus at 26 weeks is able to catch and distinguish sounds. It is very useful for the future mother to listen to classical music during this period - Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Chopin, Tchaikovsky.

Closer to two years, the baby is already able to emotionally perceive what he heard, to distinguish not only the timbre, but also the pitch of the sounds. It is no coincidence that, according to the Suzuki method, it is customary to begin developing and learning to play instruments from 2–3 years. This is confirmed by research Glen Doman.

During this period, you can independently listen to your favorite songs and excerpts from classical music at home with your baby. Many will be liked by P. Tchaikovsky's Children's Album, A. T. Grechaninov's Children's Album, and E. Grieg's Peer Gynt.

Ideal to start music education through listening to music from 4-5 years. At this age, children distinguish not only the nature of what they heard, but also pay attention to musical instruments.

Therefore, at this age it is extremely important to attend concerts, where a baby can get acquainted with the world of sounds, see musical instruments, see how they interact with each other in an ensemble and orchestra.

If your child is reluctant to attend music classes at school, he will appreciate our children's educational programs, Brass for children, Orchestra for children and Volkonsky consort. Indeed, in such programs, as in the Waldorf education system, there are no strict teachers, grades and exams. Only an amazing, charming, beautiful and fascinating world of beautiful music.

Speaking of musical education and its important meaning, it is worth remembering the words of Plato, who said that the components of music penetrate deeply into the soul of a person and capture it most of all. Do not miss this important step in raising your child, because it is creativity and the wonderful world of sounds that can make us better, warmer and happier.

Watch the video: What if every child had access to music education from birth? Anita Collins. TEDxCanberra (March 2025).

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