Musical Instrument: Flute Piccolo

Musical Instrument: Flute Piccolo

The flute piccolo, or as it is also called, the small flute, belongs to wooden wind instruments and is a kind of flute. Indeed, she is very similar to her, only piccolo is less than twice and much higher in sound. Perhaps one of the highest in its sound and at the same time small orchestral instruments.

Her sound is brilliant and incredibly piercing, the sound literally cuts through the tutti, it is no coincidence that many composers used it to depict fairy-tale characters. For example, piccolo can be heard in the opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" in the topic Squirrels or in the work by A. Lyadov "Kikimora". For a long time, composers used this tool in those episodes where it was necessary to depict a thunderstorm, wind or even a battle.

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The piccolo flute is often made of wood, metal or plastic. Most often it can be found in symphony or brass orchestras, as a rule, only one piccolo flute is used there, but as a solo instrument, it is much less common.

Watch the video: Viva Italia Fantasy for flute-piccolo on themes Rossini and Verdi (March 2025).

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