A. Khachaturian "Concerto for violin and orchestra": history, video, content

Aram Khachaturian "Concerto for violin and orchestra"

Aram Khachaturian is a famous Soviet composer, whose name is inscribed in golden letters in the world history of musical culture. He is the author of many wonderful writings, and among them are pearls that instantly conquer the hearts of listeners. One of such works by the outstanding maestro is the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, a work in which the composer reflected the nature and life of his beloved Armenia with picturesque color.

History of creation

By 1940 Aram Khachaturian He was already a famous composer who composed his works in various genres. While still studying in the class of Nikolai Yakovlevich Myaskovsky, he became the author of many recognized creations. In 1940, everything in Aram Khachaturian’s life was going well. Creative work gave him great pleasure. He was happily married to Nina Makarova, whom he married in 1933. In addition, in the composer’s family, everyone expected a happy event: Aram and Nina were to become parents.

In the summer, a couple of months before the child was born, the Khachaturian couple temporarily moved into the well-established House of Creativity located in Staraya Ruza. And there, enjoying life and being inspired by the beautiful nature, the composer decided to write a concert for violin and orchestra, which will become one of Khachaturian’s most outstanding works.

The work on the new work was very easy, one might say in one breath. Less than two months, and the concert was already completed. Aram was impatient to show his new creation to the one for whom it was intended, that is, to his friend, the young, but already world-famous violinist David Oistrakh. Without an invitation, when he arrived at the musician's country house, the composer immediately went to the piano. The music that Khachaturian began to play was so fascinating and colorful that it made a strong impression on everyone present. Having received the notes of the work, Oistrakh immediately began to learn it and three days later made a return visit to the composer. David came to Staraya Ruza to play a concert, that is, to show the author his creation. The instantly assembled listeners were greatly admired not only by the composer’s sparkling music, but also by the enchanting performance of David Oistrakh.

The premiere performance of the concert took place in the autumn of the same year. In Moscow on November 16 in the just-opened concert hall to them. Tchaikovsky came to the authoritative public. Among the audience could see Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergey Prokofiev and Nikolay Yakovlevich Myaskovsky, who gathered to listen to Aram Khachaturian's new work - "Concerto for violin and orchestra". The work made a great impression on the audience. The success was enormous. Soon the Concert in the capital was repeated two more times, and then Leningraders, Yerevanians, Tbilisi residents, Kievites and Odessans heard it. The popularity of the work grew at a rapid rate not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad.

Interesting Facts

  • Aram Khachaturian dedicated a violin concerto to his friend, famous musician David Oistrakh, who for the first time presented a new work by the composer to the court.
  • The violin concerto, composed in 1940, quickly gained popularity. During the Great Patriotic War, the work was already well known and often broadcast on radio in order to raise the spirits of the Soviet people with its cheerful nature and strengthen the faith in victory.
  • On March 15, 1941, the composer was awarded the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra.
  • The work of Aram Khachaturian is considered difficult for musicians to perform, requiring great skill from the violinist.
  • David Oistrakh recorded Aram Khachaturian's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in 1948. After this, the work of the composer quickly became popular all over the world.
  • Aram Khachaturian in his life met with many famous people of the world scale, but the meeting with Charlie Chaplin left an indelible impression on the composer. The artist was already in old age, he lived in Geneva and almost did not receive guests, but for Khachaturian he made an exception. First of all, Chaplin showed Aram a record with a violin concerto and called it his favorite work.
  • Aram Khachaturian is a phenomenal man who began to seriously learn to play a musical instrument only at the age of twenty. However, despite everything, he became the greatest composer of the twentieth century.
  • Aram Khachaturian, according to UNESCO, is one of the most brilliant composers of the twentieth century.


"Concert for violin and orchestra" Aram Khachaturian wrote in the traditional classical form, which includes three parts: the sparkling sonata allegro, the lyrical andante and the festive final.

The first part (Allegro con fermezzo) begins with a brief, nine-tact introduction. His solemn and proud motive includes second and tertz intonations, very characteristic of Armenian music. It is also necessary to pay attention to the tonal instability of the initial bars of the piece. The first sounds tune in B-flat major, then the harmony begins to walk in different tonalities and suddenly leads to the main key - d minor.

Then soloing comes to the fore violin. The joyful and energetic main party of the exposition begins. Despite the dominant virtuosity, the theme is notable for its great melodiousness: the intonations of Armenian folk motifs are clearly heard in it. Soon the fast tempo starts to slow, the music calms down. Such a binding construction leads to an improvisational side song, resembling the song of the poet-ashug. A delicate melody adorned with chromatism is accompanied by a monotonously lulling syncopated accompaniment similar to the sound tambourine.

The development of the first part includes two sections, as well as an expanded cadence of the violin solo. Now all the previously heard thematic material, through variational transformations, is undergoing intensive development. He becomes more strong-willed and colorful. The motives of the secondary part are filled with energy, and the main part acquires a lyrical tone. In the middle section of the development (Meno mosso), both these themes come together and sound together: the orchestra plays the converted side part, and the modified main part is put into it by the solo violin. Further intensive development of all musical material leads to a bright climax of the first part. The development ends with a great virtuoso cadence, in which the themes of the exposition again receive active transformations.

In the reprise (Allegro con fermezzo), thematic material of the exposition is presented in the same tonal ratio: D minor - the main part and A major - side. All themes are dynamically developed, they are vigorously varied, wrapped around with hemming. The first part ends with a comprehensive coda, in which the main theme of the main theme has a fast-moving theme.

The second part of the "Concert" (Andante sostenuto) - This is a beautiful soulful "song", charmingly sounding against the backdrop of an amazing mountain landscape. It all starts with an introduction in which bassoon, and then clarinetimitating the Armenian musical instrument duduku, perform a motif resembling an ashug tune. Further, the solo violin enters with a heartfelt and tender melody. Graceful waltz orchestral accompaniment expressively emphasizes its oriental character. At first the music sounds quietly and restrained, but then, gradually inspiring, the tune becomes more inspirational. In the middle section of the part comes to the fore impromptu melodies that sound in the introduction. It varies in different ways, constantly changing the nature of its sound. Then begins a reprise, in which a charming song theme gets a dynamic development.

The third part. Final (Allegro vivace) - This is a vivid picture of a cheerful national holiday. As in the first part, the music of the finale begins with a temperamental introduction. Next comes the cheerful theme, which in the process of development is filled with more and more energy. It seems that the gathered people perform a massive dance. And even the next lyrical melody continues to sound in rhythmic dance accompaniment.

Special attention should be paid to the final code. The composer built it on themes from the first part and thereby united his work into a single whole.

"Concert for violin and orchestra" Aram Ilyich Khachaturian - this piece is one of the most popular and outstanding musical compositions in the world today. Many violinists dream to have it in their repertoire, but, unfortunately, not everyone is strong enough.

Watch the video: Khachaturian - Masquerade Suite - Waltz (March 2025).

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