Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

How to remember chords on the beginnings of famous melodies

It doesn't matter what causes the urgent need to memorize chords by heart. Perhaps you need to show off skills in front of fellow musicians. Or, much worse, the solfeggio exam is “on the nose”, and you do not distinguish a triad from a quartekstektakord — a crime within the framework of the criminal code, in the opinion of your theorist.

Betta Lemme (Betta Lemm): biography, best songs, interesting facts

Betta Lemme (Betta Lemme) Betta Lemme is an excellent example of such a thing as a "sudden star". It arose literally from the air, charmed everyone with its accent and disappeared indefinitely. But her voice still echoes in the ears of fans who have ever heard her singing. On the page we will look at the whole way of the girl, from the very birth to the release of the clip, which gathered more than 13 million views on YouTube.

Charlie Put: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Charlie Put This young man from an ordinary family was lucky to know his purpose in life as a child. Either fate was favorable, or mothers deepest passion for music gave results, it is difficult to answer unequivocally. Charlie Putu was helped by talent and self-confidence. His work conquered the Internet in order to take the leading positions in the world music charts.

La Campanella. Musical performances. Old songs.

What is old music like? What first comes to mind at the mention of it? Perhaps, the smooth and graceful movements of the dancers in elegant camisoles and powdered wigs? And perhaps the Gregorian chant, imbued with the spirit of severe asceticism? Or unpretentious old songs to the accompaniment of viola da gamba and lute?

Indila (Indila): biography, best songs, interesting facts

Indila (Indila) This young singer is called the "discovery of the year". She surrounded herself with a veil of secrecy to attract the attention of fans. But even more, the audience is charmed by the charming voice of a French performer who calls herself a "child of the world." Read a brief biography of Indila and a lot of interesting facts about the singer on our page.

Duke Ellington: biography, best songs, interesting facts, listen

Duke Ellington Undoubtedly, it would not be an exaggeration to say that if there was no Duke Ellington in jazz music of the 20th century, her fate could have been completely different. His strong-willed character and indestructible belief in his own uniqueness were so strong that Ellington was raised to the very top, from where he looked down on other performers.

Opera "Romeo and Juliet": content, video, interesting facts, history

The opera “Romeo and Juliet” by W. Gounod The tragedy of W. Shakespeare about love that flashed with a bright flame in the dark haze of clan enmity attracted the attention of people who dedicated their lives to art — composers, critics, directors and scriptwriters, theater directors. However, the reading that Charles Gounod presented to this work allows you to look at a famous story from a different angle, more intimate, intimate, affecting the most sentimental strings of the soul.

Crossword "Life and Works of JS Bach"

I present a new musical crossword, it is dedicated to the topic "The Life and Work of JS Bach". It has 25 questions of average difficulty. Almost all the questions you can find answers in the encyclopedia or textbook on musical literature for the music school. To make it easier to solve (answers, as always given at the end) crossword on the topic of Bach, I will inform you a few facts in the topic.