From rattle to piano

From rattle to piano

The first musical toys.
We receive our first musical instrument while still in the cradle. That's right - this is a simple rattle. A colorful object of unusual shape, which emits certain sounds, always attracts the attention of the baby. Rattles develop not only fine motor skills, because the child is interesting to touch the attractive object, but also lay the foundation for the future musicality of the child. Of course, the mother's lullaby will also become an important stage in the development of the child, but it will not work to touch and take an active part in its creation in the child’s first year of life.
Psychologists agree that developing a musical ear for a child should begin before birth. But still, in the first year of a baby’s life, it’s often necessary to talk about musical development as a reaction to the melodies heard. However, at the moment when the child begins to actively play with the rattles, one can say that the basics of the rhythm sense have already been laid. Such observations will help find a further path in musical development.
Drum, xylophone and whistles.
In the second year of life, the little man is rapidly developing and becoming an active participant in the surrounding reality. At this time, it is preferable for the child to present percussion instruments, because they do not require special musical skills. However, it is they who form the sense of rhythm in the child. Such a musical instrument as a xylophone can be the first steps to the piano, because you can play a simple melody sung by your mother on it. The bright color of metal plates will help the crumbs to quickly understand the high-altitude range of a musical instrument.

At this age, you should experiment a little and offer the kid a ceramic bird whistle or a small harmonica. These instruments will develop not only sensitivity to sound volume and melody, but also contribute to the development of the lungs. Of course, "music lessons" will require a strong nervous system from the parents, but by engaging in such music making with a child, you will only strengthen your mutual understanding.

The world of big tools.
Children at the age of three years are easy to learn, which is why it is during this period in kindergartens that much time is devoted to singing and dancing. If there is a piano, a flute or a guitar at home, then you can develop a musical ear at home - the main thing is to explain to a growing child even earlier that even toys are musical instruments and require careful attitude.

At this time, well-developed musical memory. Parents who have a piano or synthesizer at home can try a simple exercise, but it will need a little “decorate” the instrument, the benefit is that today there is a multi-colored adhesive tape. The essence of the exercise is that the child remembers what color a particular sound belongs to. Putting the child back to the instrument, the mother presses the key and asks the baby to indicate which key the mother pressed. It trains well the various departments of the child’s memory and develops an ear for music. At this time, do not be afraid to let the child to the real musical instruments. Of course, it will not be easy to sustain the cacophony that the kid will surely arrange, but such “improvisations” wonderfully contribute to the ability of the child to independently search for pleasant combinations of sounds, which means it helps to develop harmoniously.

And, of course, it is necessary to attend various concerts, show unfamiliar instruments to the kid, explain their sound principle. In addition, listening to the works of great composers contributes to the overall development of the child, the formation of its taste and just a pleasant pastime for the whole family.

Watch the video: Tutorial Bingo Players-Get Up Rattle (March 2025).

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