Three whales in music

The song, the march, the dance is very firmly established and settled in our life, sometimes it is even impossible to notice and even more so to associate with art. For example, a company of soldiers is marching with a march, naturally they are not engaged in art, but it entered their life in the form of a march, without which they can no longer exist.

There are countless such examples, so let's look at these three whales in music in more detail.

First Whale: Song

Of course, the song is one of the oldest forms of art, where along with the words is present, not a complicated and easy to remember melody that conveys the general mood of the words. In a broad sense, a song is all that is sung, simultaneously combining words and a tune. It can be performed both by one person and the whole chorus, with or without musical accompaniment. It occurs in the daily life of a person every day - from day to day, probably from the moment when a person began to distinctly shape his thoughts with words.

Second Whale: Dance

As well as the song, dance belongs to the origins of the birth of art. At all times, people expressed their feelings and emotions through movements - dance. Naturally, this required music to better and more clearly convey the essence of what is happening in the movements. The first mentions of dance and dance music were found in the times of the ancient world, mainly ritual dances expressing respect and honor to various deities. At the moment there are a lot of dances: waltz, polka, krakovyak, mazurka, chardash and many others.

Third Whale: Marsh

Along with song and dance, the march is also the basis of music. It has a pronounced rhythmic accompaniment. For the first time found in the tragedies of ancient Greece as an accompaniment accompanying the actors on the scene. Many moments from a person's life are connected with marches that are different in mood: cheerful and vigorous, festive and marching, mourning and sad. From the conversation of the composer D. D. Kabalevsky "About three whales in music" we can conclude about the nature of the march, namely, each individual work of this genre has its own character, not like the others.

Song, dance and march - the three whales in the music - as the foundation hold on themselves the whole vast, vast musical ocean. They are present everywhere in musical art: in a symphony and opera, in a choral cantata and in ballet, in jazz and folk music, in a string quartet and piano sonata. Even in everyday life, the "three whales" are constantly with us, regardless of whether we pay attention to it or not.

The author - Stanislav Kolesnik

And finally, watch the clip of the group “Yakhont” on the wonderful Russian folk song “Black Raven”:

Watch the video: Delta Waves: 9 HOURS Whales + Relaxing Music to Help you Sleep, Deep Sleep, Inner Peace 2 (March 2025).

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