Charging for children to music

Charging for children to music

Good morning exercises are incredibly useful for the younger body. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, keeps muscles in shape, helps to strengthen the immune system, and also helps raise the qualities necessary for life in children - dedication and perseverance.

What music is suitable for charging?

Selecting music for classes with a baby up to 3 years old, preference should be given to popular perky songs. It is important that the sounding music was associated with some familiar thematic series. Do not forget to sometimes include small classical works - this is how you diversify the auditory impressions of your little one and introduce him to high art. But the track list for older children should consist of different musical compositions in equal proportions - and well-known children's hits and classical works, different in mood, rhythm and size.

Charges for children 1-3 years

"Do this"

Royal March

"Springs and squats"

"Neapolitan Song"

"Frisky horses"

"Song about a bear"

"We kicked top-top-top"

At this age, charging should be given 5-6 minutes. Exercises are selected as simple as possible, and in the first stages they are not at all like full-fledged exercises. At this age, 3-4 exercises of 1-1.5 minutes each will be enough for a morning warm-up.

It should start with a set of tasks aimed at improving the skills of walking and improving the coordination of movements. Before embarking on such a warm-up, make sure that the baby touches the feet correctly to the floor, does not press the fingers on the legs, does not clubfeed and does not rise on the toes. If all is well, you can start training.

Walking to the music. For all its simplicity, walking to music is actually a very useful exercise. First of all, this is a great start for a person at any age. The benefits of it are great - when it is performed, not only muscles work, but also the joints, and well-chosen musical accompaniment brings a lot of positive emotions, satisfaction, and uplifting. Walking to music improves stamina and excellent coordination. For this exercise, marches are best suited - these compositions have a clear rhythm, and their pace corresponds to the person’s pitch. It is very important to follow the walking technique while driving - the back should be even and the movement should be even.

Sat down, stood up. Now we complicate the exercises - you can add squats to walking around the room - mother and baby sit on the floor, then, on command, get up and stomp on the spot, or walk around the room. After a few steps, do the repetition. Squatting can be replaced with claps or jumps.

Obstacles. On the perimeter of the room are laid out various objects - a kind of obstacles that the child will have to circumvent. It can be cubes, toys, pillow and others. Another exercise option is to go through an obstacle. For example, climb over a pillow, or crawl under a chair. Seat the baby in front of an obstacle, and motivate him to move - on the other hand, put something bright, catching his attention, and he will certainly move in the direction you want. Gradually, the child will understand the principle of the exercise and will do it himself, without additional actions on the part of the mother.

Warm up with the ball. Children love to play with the ball, and warming up with it will give them a lot of positive impressions. There are a lot of options for practicing - you can throw it up, push it with your legs, try to hold it high above you, and if you have a “spiked” ball, you can get a foot and arm massage.

Show the animal. Children love to imitate different animals, and therefore always do it with pleasure. Why not include this exercise in the warm-up? For example, to show a leisurely mother cow with her measured steps, and a small calf frolicking alongside - alternate walking and running, and do not forget about the horns. There are a lot of variants of this game exercise, as well as musical fragments depicting various animals, birds and fish.

Do this. These exercises are essentially song-staging - movements must be done in accordance with the sounding text.

Charging at 4-6 years


"We go to kindergarten "

"Hedgehog song "




"Giraffe has spots"

Children at this age are more conscious of charging and are able to engage in enthusiasm for 8-10 minutes. They can not only repeat simple movements, but also learn a simple set of simple exercises. In total, charging can be included from 4 to 6 different tasks.

Every morning, charging always starts with breathing exercises - inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. In this case, the shoulders of the child should not rise. Then you can stretch your muscles a little - make bends, turns, stretch.

Learning to march. We continue to develop the ability to walk to music, but we are already intently paying attention to the coordination of movements with it - the child must walk rhythmically, feel the beginning and end of the play, starting and ending the movement in time. Hands with this you can perform either the simplest movements, or just clap. You can also add different types of walking, for example, on heels and socks.

Exercises in a standing position. Performing a set of exercises that allows you to wake up the muscles of all parts of the body. Each exercise takes 20-30 seconds.

  • "Sweetheart" - the child is standing straight, legs apart a little to the side. He raises his hands up, stretches "to the sun" and gradually goes down.
  • "Heron" - back straight, hands on his belt. The head moves back and forth.
  • "Dunno" - we raise our shoulders as much as possible upwards and downwards.
  • "Swing" - an exercise to warm up the shoulder joints. Shoulders lift alternately.
  • "Floating on the back" - wave your hands, you can alternately, you can together.
  • "Tumbler" - the tilt of the case to the right and left, while the legs are in place.
  • "Springs" - spring legs up and down.

Exercises in the prone position

  • "Bicycle" - a well-known exercise. The child lies on his back, legs raised up and twist imaginary pedals. The task can be gradually complicated - hands should hold the steering wheel.
  • "Airplane" - lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides, lift your legs a little and depict the flight. The back should be at the same time, shoulders lowered.
  • "Log". Performed lying on his stomach. Hands need to pull forward, legs together. The task of the child is to swing from side to side, depicting how the log turns over.
  • "Starfish". Exercise can be done lying on your back and abdomen. Arms and legs must be separated to the side, raised for a few seconds and then lowered.

Exercises with objects

  • "Rolling the ball." For this exercise you will need a large ball that you will need to roll in front of you around the room, leaning forward.
  • "Rolling the ball." Exercise is performed squatting or heels. The task is to roll the ball around yourself first clockwise, then against.
  • "Jumping with a hoop". The hoop is used as a jump rope, and jumps with it are performed back and forth.
  • "Squatting". Pull the hoop in front of you and squat.
  • Rotate the hoop on the outstretched hand.

Game "Sports Zoo" It is necessary to depict how animals prepare for competitions. If you turn on the fantasy, you will certainly get a funny and very exciting game. You can use various items - hoop, skipping rope, children's dumbbells and other sports equipment.

Stretching. Finish warm-up best stretching.

  • "Slopes" - the child is straight, legs slightly apart. You need to try to touch the floor with your fingers.
  • "Reach out." The baby is sitting on the floor, legs apart. You need to get your toes, not bending the knees.

Charging for children 7+ years

"Gopak "


"German song"


"Warm up"


"Procession of grasshoppers"


Starting from the age of seven, children understand the whole need for charging, so at this stage you can complicate the complexes and practice 15 minutes daily. You should also start exercising with breathing exercises.

Warm up

  • "Sunrise". While inhaling, we spread our arms to the sides, then stretch up as far as possible, gradually climbing up on the toes. We linger for a few seconds, slowly descend, exhale. Repeat several times.
  • "Head tilts". We do it very slowly - forward, back, left, right. Repeat 5-6 times, then go to the movements of the head clockwise and against it.
  • Stretch your shoulders and arms. You can start with lifting the shoulders - first alternately, then together. Next, go to the sweeps first one, then the other hand. In the end, you can perform a circular motion.
  • Slopes. We put our hands on the belt and make bends to the left, right, forward and back.

Standing exercises

  • High pitch. Walking on the spot with a high knee lift.
  • Jumping We jump on one leg, then on the other, then on both, and in the end we perform jumps with a turn of 90 and 180 degrees.
  • Stretching. Pull the arms forward, lock into the lock. Pull up first, then forward and down.
  • Squats. I.p. - back straight, shoulders down, legs shoulder-width apart. You can complicate the task by holding the ball between your knees.
  • Swallow. Hands to the sides, one leg off the floor and laid back, the body is tilted forward. In this position, freeze for a minute, then change the leg.

Exercises in the prone position

  • Push ups. At the age of 6-7 years old the child should already be able to do push-ups at least 3 times. Boys perform pushups from the floor, the girls from the bed or sofa.
  • "Turns". I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. The task is to make turns the body, but at the same time keep your head still.
  • Bridge. Lying on the floor, rest your palms and feet on the floor, and gradually straighten your arms to bend your back.
  • Boat Performed lying on his stomach. Hands stretch forward and lift up, legs pressed together and also raised. Sway back and forth, portraying the boat on the waves.
  • "Sprout". We lay on our back, legs together, hands tightly pressed to the body. The task is to gently lift the legs up, depicting a sprout making its way out of the ground.

Exercises with objects

  1. Jumping rope.
  2. Twist wrap.

You can complete the exercises with the following exercise - stand up straight, inhale, press your arms to your body and strain all your muscles for a few seconds, then relax as you exhale. Repeat several times.

We adjust the child for fruitful occupations

If parents set out to teach their children to high-quality morning exercises, the first thing they need to do is to develop a positive attitude of the child to exercise. It is necessary to motivate him and interest him so that he performs the morning workout with pleasure and excellent mood. You need to start with yourself - regular classes in the morning will attract the attention of the baby, and he will certainly begin to imitate. And if you perform them fun, defiantly and with enthusiasm, the child will definitely be interested. As soon as this happens, turn the exercises into an interesting, fun and joyful joint game.

To begin gymnastics, you can come up with a kind of ritual. He will set up the child for the lesson, and be a signal to start the exercises. It can be a short poem or a favorite song.

What you need to know about charging

If you want to get the most out of your morning classes, do not forget about some of the rules:

  1. If you decide to do exercises with your baby, then you cannot miss a single day. It is necessary only once to give a "weak spot" and the whole system will collapse.
  2. Warm up should begin in bed. If the child is awake, ask him to do some simple exercises for the face. For example, puff up your cheeks, blink your eyes, show a funny face. After that, just without getting up, you can do some simple tasks for arms and legs. For example, lift the handles up, make circular movements with brushes, squeeze fingers. Legs enough to raise and lower.
  3. Before occupying a room, you need to properly ventilate it. So the lesson will bring more benefits.
  4. Morning exercises should be done on an empty stomach.
  5. Even if you didn’t manage to work out after waking up, do it in the morning. Just take a few minutes while your baby is in a good mood.
  6. The duration of the charge depends on the age and health of your child. But, in any case, it should not be more than a quarter of an hour. For children under 3 years old, the optimal time is 5 or 7 minutes, by 4-6 years old - 10-15 minutes, for older children - 15 minutes.
  7. In all classes, you should follow the same scheme: breathing exercises, walking, then exercises for arms, belts, backs, legs. To complete the need to jump or run on the spot. Constantly it is necessary to monitor the posture, correct exercise and breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  8. Every week or two, change the exercises so that they do not seem boring to the child. Gradually complicate them and increase the load.

We are engaged together with the baby!

Of course, all the exercises are best done with the baby. This will help him to feel more confident, to repeat all the movements behind his mother. But most importantly, it is also useful for you! Such a small regular warm-up is extremely important. Think up such movements in which the child will be involved. For example, arrange the real swing crumbs. To do this, take a supine position, bend your legs to the knees, which your baby will sit on. Now slowly lift your legs. In such a simple way, you strengthen your abs, and the child is having fun and “swinging” on the swing. It is useful to squat, holding the baby in her arms, this creates an additional burden and the exercise will be incredibly effective.

Follow our simple recommendations, supplement the morning exercises with your exercises, because only you know what your kid likes, and most importantly, do not forget to do it to the music!

Watch the video: If Kids Were in Charge on Vacation! (March 2025).

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