Funny music games for adults - the highlight of the holiday for any company!

Music always and everywhere accompanies us, reflecting our mood, like no other art form. Few among the people there are those who do not sing at least mentally favorite tunes.

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without music. Of course, contests that require encyclopedic knowledge and musical education are not suitable for an ordinary company of having fun friends, relatives, and colleagues: why embarrass someone? Music games for adults should be fun, occur at ease, focus exclusively on the love of singing and music.

National music karaoke game

The last decades have truly become the karaoke musical entertainment nationwide. In the recreation park, on the coast, on the square on the day of fairs, at a birthday party, at a wedding, a microphone and a screen with a running line attract crowds who want to try their hand at vocals, support performers or just laugh. There are even television projects, in which all interested passers-by are invited.

Guess the melody

At corporate parties, men and women willingly participate in the game, which has also become popular thanks to the well-known TV show “Guess the Melody”. Two participants or two teams declare to the moderator how many of the first notes they guess the famous melody. If players manage to do this, they get points. If the melody from the three-five first notes is not guessed (I must say that three is not enough even for an expert), the opponent makes his application.

The tour lasts until the melody is called or up to 10-12 notes, when the leader, having received no answer, he calls the piece. Then it sounds performed by the players under the phonogram or professional vocalists that adorns the event.

A simpler version of the game is to guess the artist or name a musical group. For this, the toastmaster selects fragments of not the most famous hits. It is necessary to consider the age of the participants. Those who are 30-40, are not fond of teenagers' music, as well as the songs of the 60s, 70s will not know.

Music casino

4-5 players are invited to participate. From the equipment you need a familiar top with an arrow, as in “What? Where? When?”, And a table with sectors for tasks. Tasks are two or three tips contained in theses or questions that will help players guess the name of a singer or a singer.

The point is that the questions should not be too serious, rather with humor. For example: “He thinks that it’s better not to do anything at all” (A. Buinov), “For his shocking appearance and hoarseness in the voice of this singer frighten unruly children” (N. Dzhigurda), “He is alone in the whole country” (N Basque).

If the player guesses, an excerpt of the song sounds. An incentive for the winner will be the right to order the next musical composition of the evening.

Song in pantomime

One of the players must exclusively with the help of gestures depict the content of some lines of the song. His teammates must guess what the song is trying to “voice” with its pantomime “toiling”. In order to “make fun” of the wriggling pantomist, you can persuade the participants who guessed under no circumstances to give the correct answer, but to simplify the task, you can simply call the name of the performer or the band. Two or three teams play, 2 songs are offered for each team. The reward for the victory is the honorable right to sing karaoke together.

Music games for adults at the table

Table music games for adults keep the audience while it is interesting. Therefore, to the famous competition "Who will sing someone?" need to approach creatively. It should be not just songs, the lyrics of which contain female or male names, the names of colors, dishes, cities ...
It is more interesting when the toastmaster offers a beginning: “What! ...” Players sing “What stands, swaying, thin rowan…” or another song with such a word in the beginning. In the meantime, the maestro can casually play a few notes from different songs - sometimes this hint helps to avoid unwanted pauses.

By the way, the video is an example of such a game - a wolf scene with a chorus of boys-bunnies from the famous cartoon series "Well, wait!". We look and we are touched!

Another fun music game just for fun is Add-ons. The master of ceremonies offers everyone a familiar song. While he explains the conditions, this melody sounds quietly. Performing a song, participants add funny phrases at the end of each line, for example, “in socks”, “without socks”, alternating them. (With a tail, without a tail, under a table, on a table, under a pine tree, on a pine tree ...). It will turn out like this: "In the field the birch stood ... in socks. In the field curly stood ... without socks ...". You can offer one team to prepare phrases for add-ons, and the other to choose a song, and then sing along.

Music games for adult parties are good because they quickly raise the mood of the whole company and help to relax, leaving after only pleasant emotions and vivid impressions of the class celebration held in the company of friends.

Watch the video: Drake - Hotline Bling (March 2025).

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